February 2025
McKenny Hawks Are Kind, Safe, Respectful and Responsible
Important Dates:
- 3-7: WIDA Testing (Grades 1st-5th)
- 5: Walk N Roll
- 7: Kindergarten @ Hands On Children's Museum 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- 7: 5th Grade @ Hicks Lake 10:15 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
- 8: PTO Bingo Night 6:30 p.m. -8:00 p.m.
- 11: MAP Testing (Grades K-5th)
- 11: PTO Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. McKenny Library
- 12: Reports Posted in Skyward Family Access at 3:00 p.m.
- 13: MAP Testing (Grades K-5th)
- 13: Olympia Reads @ CHS 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
- 17: President's Day - No School
- 18: Mid-Winter Break - No School
- 20: 5th Grade @ Food Bank 5:00 p.m. - 6:30p.m.
Walk N Roll - February 5th
Our school hosts a Walk N Roll event one day each month. These are optional days that students can bike or walk to and from school, and once they arrive, can receive special prizes. Please wear helmets when riding, and make sure students are crossing roads safely. Walking or biking to school is not only amazing for your health, but it is also helpful to the environment!
McKenny's Running Club is Starting Soon!
Do you have a student who loves to run? Are you wanting accountability to walk or run yourself? Join the McKenny Running Club! It’s FREE and open to all McKenny families!
Running Club kicks off March 3rd! Practices will take place on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 4-4:30, rain or shine. During practices we will meet and stretch in the playshed, and then complete at least one mile on the marked course. Our goal will be to run a full marathon one mile at a time! We will compete in the Capital Marathon Kid’s Run mid May for our culminating event.
Running Club is not a drop off event- an adult must supervise your student. And it is not mandatory to attend all practices, so come when it works best for your schedule! All family members are welcome, young and old!
Be on the lookout for more information soon. If you are interested in helping to coach this year, or in helping to clean up the trail before club starts, contact Mindy Swedberg at [email protected]
5th Grade Baby Photos:
We're gathering baby photos of all our 5th graders for this year's yearbook! We would love to include a special section that celebrates our students from when they were little.
Please submit a baby photo of your child by March 15th! You can do so by following this link or scanning the QR code!

News from the PTO
PTO Meeting:
Tuesday February 11th 6:30-8:00pm: Please join us in the McKenny library at 6:30 PM or connect via Zoom for a great evening of planning and discussion. This is a great opportunity to share your ideas, ask questions, and get involved. We hope to see you there—whether in person or on ZOOM. Meeting ID: 881 5468 3334 Passcode: 772214
Get Moving with Pilates:
We are excited to announce our second session of beginner Pilates classes that just started January 23rd! Join us each Thursday morning from 6:10 AM to 7:00 AM in the McKenny gym for a great way to improve your flexibility and strength. These classes are perfect for beginners and will be led by McKenny parent Gina Snider. Each session is a suggested donation of $10 cash or CheddarUp, with all proceeds supporting the PTO. So mark your calendars for this fantastic opportunity to get moving and connect with fellow McKenny families! Classes will run through Thursday February 27th. Don’t forget to bring your own mat and a water bottle!
Bingo Night:
Get ready for an evening of fun, prizes, and community spirit! The McKenney PTO is excited to host Bingo Night on Saturday, February 8th, and we want YOU to be a part of it! Doors open at 5:30pm with Bingo starting at 6:00pm, the evening will conclude at 8:00pm. There will be fabulous prizes, raffle prizes, as well as food and drink for purchase. Check out bit.ly/PTOCU to pre-purchase bingo cards, raffle tickets, and punch cards. We also need volunteers to put on this event, so if you are able to help you can sign up by following the same link as above. Alternatively, you can visit the PTO’s Amazon list and purchase items needed for the event.
Keep submitting those photos of your McKenny Hawks for our yearbook! Our goal is to make sure every student is represented in our yearbook, and we need your help! So please keep sending photos through the Yearbook Snap App using the password McKenny25. And make sure to label your photos with names and events
PTO email: [email protected]
PTO website: mckennypto.org!
Instagram: @mckennyhawkspto
Facebook: facebook.com/mckennyhawkspto
Principals Corner
Student Pick up After School
We’re going to put in place some slight changes to our after school procedures for students who are being picked up by parents, guardians, relatives or friends. Please keep in mind that these changes are being instituted for increased student safety and increased efficiency for the movement of cars through the circle.
Efficiency-Related Changes and Reminders
- We have found that the number of adults we have waiting to greet students is blocking the view of teachers and students so it is hard for them to see the cars in the circle. Please look at the attached map. The red areas will be “No standing Zones” and we ask that adults wait in the green areas to meet up with their students. Students will be asked to wait by their grade level signs in the yellow zones. Mr. Havens and Mrs. Hanson will be there to provide gentle reminders.
- Please remain in your car if you are going through the circle. Please don’t park it in the circle and get out. We need cars to pull forward to allow as many cars as possible to enter the circle.
- Once students have joined their adult, we ask that you move away from the building and out of the waiting zones. This will make it even easier for students and teachers to see the cars as they move through the circle.
Safety-Related Changes and Reminders
- Please keep space on the sidewalk available for students to walk to their cars. Lately, we’ve noticed several instances where students step down into the car lane in order to get around groups of adults who are chatting. This is a major safety concern.
- Once a student has reunited with their adult, we are going to rely on you to supervise your student. It can be challenging for a staff member to correct the behavior of a student when their parent/guardian is right there. If you have a question about acceptable behaviors, please ask one of us.
- Once students and adults have reunited, please move your conversations to areas outside of the green zones. Reducing the number of people in this area will help us to more safely supervise the remaining students.
- Please help us to model where to walk by staying completely on the sidewalk when moving to your vehicle.
- This whole area is a WALKING ONLY ZONE. Any child can be reminded to walk by any adult. My typical phrase is, “Oh, oh. Walking feet.” Feel free to use it.
Thank you for your help with these changes and reminders. Again, all of this is for the safety of the students and we know you understand the importance of that.
ParentPickUpInTheCircle (2).pdf
McKenny Elementary School Schedule
Grades K to 5 8:30 a.m.—2:45 p.m.
AM Preschool 8:30—11:00 a.m.
PM Preschool 12:15—2:45 p.m.
Early Release Every Wednesday 1:55 p.m. (No preschool)
Half Day Dismissal 11:35 a.m. (No preschool)