Sept 2022

McKes LogoSept 2022

McKenny Hawks Are Kind, Safe, Respectful and Responsible




Sept Up-coming Events:


  • 2 - Student Schedules Available in Skyward Family Access

  • 5 - Labor Day (No School)

  • 6 - Supply Drop Off/Ice Cream Social Night @ 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.

  • 7 - First Day of School (Grades 1st-5th)

  • 7- 9 - (Kindergarten Only) WA Kids and Student Conferences

  • 8 - School Board Meeting Knox Bldg or via Zoom @ 6:30 p.m.

  • 12 - First Day of School (Preschool and Kindergarten)

  • 15 - First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month 

  • 22 - School Board Meeting Knox Bldg or via Zoom @ 6:30 p.m.

  • 26 - Picture Day


Traffic Garden is ready for riding! Big thank you’s to Intercity Transit Walk n Roll, State Farm, OPD, Facilities, our traffic engineer and daughters, and Safe Kids Thurston County for making this project happen. 



Child  Nutrition Services Information for 2022-2023


OSD Meal Prices Grades K-5

Breakfast: $2.00

Lunch: $3.00

Milk A la carte: $.60


Apply for Free and Reduced-Price meals online via Skyward Family Access beginning August 24, 2022. Click here for additional information.


Payments can be made online through Skyward Family Access Login.



News from Our PTO:


Join the PTO:

We’d love to have you join the Parent Teacher Organization! It’s free and a great way to connect with other families. Signing up allows you to stay up to date on events, gives you access to a directory of other PTO families and voting rights (and commits you to nothing). Sign up today at


September 6th from 3:30-5:00 - Welcome Back Social:

Come meet other families and enjoy Otter Pops in the Playshed (covered area on the playground side of the building) after you drop off your supplies! New students K-5 can also pick up a free McKenny t-shirt courtesy of the PTO. 
We need volunteers to make this possible. Sign up to volunteer at:

September 7th - 1st day of school PTO Meet & Greet:

Join us in the cafeteria after kids head off to their first day of school. This is a great chance to meet new families, learn more about the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), and enjoy some coffee and treats. If you are interested in donating treats or volunteering to greet for this, you can sign up to help:


September 12th - 1st day of Kindergarten PTO Meet & Greet:

Join us in the cafeteria after kids head off to their first day of Kindergarten. This is a great chance to meet new families, learn more about the Parent Organization (PTO), and enjoy some coffee and treats. We look forward to meeting you! If you are interested in donating treats or volunteering to greet for this, you can sign up to help:

Tuesday, September 14th 6:30-8:00 - PTO Meeting
Join us in the McKenny Library (or via Zoom) for our first PTO meeting of the year! If there was a meeting to go to, this is the one! We will be voting to approve our new calendar as well as our budget. You will also get to hear an update from our principal, Mr. Havens, and hear the latest information on the new playground equipment. We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 21st at 2:00 and Thursday, September 22nd at 4:30- Hawk Hangouts at LBA Park
Head to LBA Park to meet up with other families from McKenny. This is a wonderful time for kids to play and adults to chat and connect. This is not a drop off event. Feel free to come to whichever time works for you, even both if you'd like! Charo Portaro, McKenny's Family Liaison, will also be there to connect with families.


September 30th and October 1st - Family Photo Fundraiser 
Want to get a beautiful picture of your family and support the PTO at the same time? Save the date for our second annual Family Photo Fundraiser, courtesy of Janice Houghton Photography. Be on the lookout for an email and flier with more information!

Keep up with us!

Instagram: @mckennyhawkspto




Principal's Corner

Hello McKenny Families!
I very much hope that you have been enjoying this summer and the beautiful weather that has come our way. At the school, we are busy gearing up for the 2022-23 school year and are really excited to begin welcoming students and families back to the building. This Hawk Talk Newsletter contains all of the important dates, times and information for upcoming events and activities.

New Staff Members:
Mark Carras is our new custodian. Mark joined us in the spring following the retirement of long-time custodian George Stadjuhar. Mark has been a custodian in the Olympia School District for many years and has already been making his “mark” at McKenny with a deep cleaning of carpets and floors and by helping us to surplus many items that have been taking up needed space for many years. This summer he has teamed up with Gerry Santos, our swing custodian, to prepare our building for students, staff and families.

April Jones has been hired as our LAP teacher. April has been teaching for 22 years and comes to us most recently from Mountain View Elementary in North Thurston. As the lead teacher in the Learning Assistance Program, Mrs. Jones will work with students and staff from all grade levels to ensure that all students are learning at the highest levels.

Staff Changes:
There is always shifting during July and August, but 2022 has seen a little less movement than usual. Mr. Sjoboen will be teaching 4th grade this year, while Mrs. Pendleton is moving back to Kindergarten to join Mrs. Shaffer and Mrs. Anderson (new to Kindergarten). In addition, long-time paraeducator Mrs. Briggs has retired and Mr. Gary has taken a position at OHS.

I’m really looking forward to seeing all of the students and families at our Ice Cream Social on September 6.

See you soon.

Michael Havens


McKenny Elementary School Schedule


Grades K to 5 8:30 a.m.—2:45 p.m. 
AM Preschool 8:30—11:00 a.m. 
PM Preschool 12:15—2:45 p.m. 
Early Release Every Wednesday 1:55 p.m.  (No preschool) 
Half Day Dismissal 11:35 a.m.  (No preschool)