March 2022

McKes LogoMarch 2022

McKenny Hawks Are Kind, Safe, Respectful and Responsible


March Up-coming Events:

Women's History Month

  • 4 - Fun Run
  • 5 - Countdown to Kindergarten via Zoom
  • 7-11 - Education Support Professionals Week
  • 8 - PTO Meeting at 6:30 p.m. McKenny Library 
  • 10 - School Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Knox Bldg or via Zoom 
  • 13 - Daylight Savings
  • 17 - St. Patrick's Day
  • 23 - FamOly Concert (5th Grade) - 6 p.m. at OHS Performing Arts Center
  • 24 - School Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Knox Bldg or via Zoom
  • 29-4/1 - K-5 Spring Conferences (Half Days)


April Up-coming Events:

  • 4-8 - Spring Break No School 
  • 13 - National School Librarian Appreciation Day
  • 18-22 - Public School Volunteer Week


Spring Conferences

Spring conferences will take place March 29th through April 1st. Students will be released these days at  11:35 a.m.  and grab ‘n go lunches will be available. Registration will be open in Skyward Family Access March 14-25th. Please contact your student's teacher with questions.


Spirit Week March 28th —April 1st

Monday, March 28th: Pajama Day Tuesday, March 29th: Decade Day (50’s, 60’s, 70’s…) Wednesday, March 30th: Hat Day Thursday, March 31st: Super Hero Day Friday, April 1st: School Spirit Day


Running Club

Practices will take place on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 4-4:30 p.m., rain or shine. To sign up or volunteer, email Mindy Swedberg at [email protected] 


News from Our PTO:


PTO Meeting - Join us at the new PTO meeting, March 8th at 6:30 pm in the McKenny Library. We'll be recapping the Fun Run, talking about new upcoming events and gearing up for our spring carnival! If you'd prefer to Zoom in, you may join here or use Meeting ID: 828 5050 7067 and Passcode: 803083.


Hawk Hangouts - Hawk Hangouts are back! Join other McKenny Families after school at the LBA playground.
March 22nd, 2:50 pm - Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd grade
March 23, 2 pm - 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
All grades are welcome at both hangouts. This is not a drop off event so please stay with your child.


Sweetlee's - Get ice cream at Sweetlee's Ice Cream Truck on March 23rd from 2pm to 9 pm to support our 5th graders! They are located at 2411 Harrison Ave NW. All funds earned will go towards helping our 5th grade classes with end-of-the year activities and celebrations. A lot has changed since the pandemic began so let's help make the end of the year extra special for our 5th graders!


Yearbook - Do you have photos of school related events would that be great for the yearbook? Upload your photos to the Yearbook Snap! App. Search for McKenny and enter code McKenny2021 (case sensitive). Or visit, search for McKenny and enter the same code.


Keep up with us!

Instagram: @mckennyhawkspto




Principal's Corner


Your Participation Needed


McKenny Families,

One of the most amazing aspects of being a part of the McKenny community is the incredible support that we get from our parents and family members who volunteer their time in a variety of ways. The parents who lead our PTO are dedicated to our school in so many ways. From holding monthly meetings, to coordinating the raising of funds, from putting on events, to allocating funds for teachers and staff, our PTO leaders support both academics and engaging and fun activities for students. 


Another thing people should know about our PTO leaders is that, for many of them, their youngest/only child is a fourth grader. That means that next year will be the final year that they will be leading our parent support group. SOOOO… in short WE NEED YOU! There are many ways, large and small, that parents and family members can support the efforts of the PTO, and therefore, the school. Please come to our next PTO meeting on Tuesday March 8 at 6:30. We meet in the school library but we also have a zoom link so people can attend remotely.

See you there,

Michael Havens



McKenny Elementary School Schedule


Grades K to 5 8:30 a.m.—2:45 p.m. 
AM Preschool 8:30—11:00 a.m. 
PM Preschool 12:15—2:45 p.m. 
Early Release Every Wednesday 1:55 p.m.  (No preschool) 
Half Day Dismissal 11:35 a.m.  (No preschool)