January 2023

January 2023

McKenny Hawks Are Kind, Safe, Respectful and Responsible

McKes Logo

Jan Up-coming Events:

  • 9 - South Sound Y After School Enrichment Programs Begin
  • 10 - PTO Meeting at 6:30 pm. McKenny Library
  • 11 - Walk N Roll
  • 16 - MLK Jr Day - No School
  • 18 - PTO Chuck E Cheese
  • 26 - 2nd Grade to Thurston County Food Bank 5-6:30 p.m.

Feb Up-coming Events:

February is Black History Month

  • 1 - Walk N Roll

  • 3 - Half Day Elementary Grading - 11:35 a.m. Dismissal

  • 14 - PTO Meeting at 6:30 p.m. McKenny Library

  • 20 - Presidents’ Day - No School

  • 21 - Mid Winter Break - No School

  • 23 - 5th Grade to Thurston County Food Bank 5-6:30 p.m.

McKenny Running Club

McKenny Running Club is back starting at the end of February! More information will be forthcoming.


Walk N Roll -January 11th

Our school hosts a Walk N Roll event one day each month.  These are optional days that students can bike or walk to and from school, and once they arrive, can receive special prizes and hot chocolate! Please wear helmets when riding, and make sure students are crossing roads safely.  Walking or biking to school is not only amazing for your health, but it is also helpful to the environment!  


Food Bank Opportunity

2nd Grade will be going to the food bank on January 26th. More information to follow.


Attendance Matters:

Does your child have an upcoming appointment or a change in their school routine? Have a planned vacation coming and need to submit a planned absence form to the office? If so, please send an email to [email protected].



News from Our PTO:


PTO Meeting:

PTO Meeting with Special Guest: Tuesday, January 10th from 6:30 to 8:00 in the library. We will be joined by School Board Member Hilary Seidel. She is coming to hear how it's going for our community, answer questions, and share school board items that could use family input on this school year. This is a great opportunity to give feedback to the school board about what matters to you! We will also hear updates from our principal and start thinking ahead about future events and fundraising. To join us on zoom go to: https://osd111.zoom.us/j/84558447348?pwd=Q0dBQ0dVb002MzJQU1NIZlhER1Z0dz09

Meeting ID: 845 5844 7348

Passcode: 262785

Chuck E. Cheese:

Want to have fun and help raise funds for the PTO? Join us at Chuck E. Cheese on Wednesday, January 18th anytime from 3-9 pm. 20% of the sales generated from this event will be donated to the PTO. Be on the lookout for a flyer with more details and coupons.


Do you have a local business? Would you be willing to donate a product or service for our Spring Carnival? We use donations from our community to help put together raffle and silent auction baskets. If you have any interest in donating, please reach out to [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your help!


Attention 4th and 5th Grade Actors:

Does your student have a passion for performing? We have a great opportunity coming to us this spring that we'd love for you to put on your calendar. Pacific Northwest Theater will be working with a limited number of 4th and 5th McKenny Students to perform The Wizard of Oz Jr. Rehearsals will be every day after school until 5:00 pm beginning April 10th until performances on May 12th and 13th. Be on the lookout for more information about fees and other details. Signups will be on a first come, first serve basis.

School Board Recognition Month:

The Olympia School District will recognize its school board with a special program near the start of the meeting on Thursday, January 12, 2023. The recognition begins at 6 p.m. and will be followed by the regular board meeting.


The board recognition will be held in person at the Knox Administrative Center, 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA 98506 and via Zoom.


Thank you President Darcy Huffman, Vice President Hilary Seidel, Directors Scott Clifthorne,  Maria Flores and Talauna Reed, and Student Representatives Rahma Gaye, Ali Owen, Ru’ya  Russell and Christine Zhang. 

Want more information about the PTO?

Be sure to follow us on social media!

Instagram: @mckennyhawkspto

Facebook: facebook.com/mckennyhawkspto 

Check out our website:  www.mckennypto.org


Principal's Corner


McKenny Families,

Hello and Happy New Year! Several people have asked me to send out this reminder related to the safety of our students.

Circle Procedures During Drop-off and Pick Up

Morning Drop Off

Please enter the parking lot and turn right before running over the orange cones.
Follow the driveway to the right around the parking spots and back toward the main entrance to the school.


Pull into the circle and pull as far forward as possible. You may go past vehicles (school bus or cars) that are stopped if there is open space further ahead in the circle.

If possible, children should exit from the right side of the car onto the sidewalk. 


Once the students are safely out of the car, the car may drive away.


Please don’t leave the car unattended in the circle for any reason. If you need to get out of the car for some reason, please park in a spot to do so.

Afternoon Pick Up

Please enter the parking lot and turn right before running over the orange cones.

Follow the driveway to the right around the parking spots and back toward the main entrance to the school.

Pull into the circle and pull as far forward as possible. You may go past vehicles that are stopped if there is open space further ahead in the circle. Students may only get into cars once they have entered the circle area. Students may not get into a car prior to it entering the circle area.

If possible, have students enter the car from the right side directly from the sidewalk.

Very Important: Please remain in your vehicle. If cars in front of you drive away, you need to move forward to create space behind. Particularly after school, cars may not be left unattended. Traffic needs to be able to flow as smoothly as possible. 

We have staff members to help kids get to their cars.

Most Important: Drive slowly; Be on the lookout for students; Be Patient and Kind

Michael Havens


McKenny Elementary School Schedule


Grades K to 5  8:30 a.m.—2:45 p.m. 
AM Preschool  8:30—11:00 a.m. 
PM Preschool  12:15—2:45 p.m. 
Early Release Every Wednesday 1:55 p.m.  (No preschool) 
Half Day Dismissal 11:35 a.m.  (No preschool)