December 2024

December 2024

McKenny Hawks Are Kind, Safe, Respectful and Responsible

McKenny Logo



Important Dates:

  • 4: Walk N Roll
  • 4: 5th Grade Cispus Parent Meeting @ 5:30 p.m. Hansen Elementary Cafeteria (This is a repeated event, no need to attend both)
  • 5: 2nd Grade Musical @ 1:30 p.m. (families welcome to attend)
  • 5: 5th Grade Cispus Parent Meeting @ 5:30 p.m. McKenny Cafeteria
  • 10: PTO Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. McKenny Library
  • 16: Cispus Packets Due (5th Grade Only)
  • 18: 3rd - 5th Grade Musical Performance @ 1:15 p.m. (families welcome to attend)
    December 23-January 3: Winter Break - No School

Walk N Roll - December 4th

Our school hosts a Walk N Roll event one day each month. These are optional days that students can bike or walk to and from school, and once they arrive, can receive special prizes. Please wear helmets when riding, and make sure students are crossing roads safely. Walking or biking to school is not only amazing for your health, but it is also helpful to the environment!


Canned Food Drive November 25 - December 13

McKenny is partnering with Olympia High School for a canned food drive! The goal is to collect 80,000 cans by December 13th! Please drop off donations in the McKenny office. All donations will go to the Thurston County Food Bank!

Spirit Week!

  • Monday 12/16: Merry Monday Morning! PJ day!
  • Tuesday 12/17: Class color day!
  • Kindergarten - Green
  • 1st Grade - Red
  • 2nd Grade - Yellow
  • 3rd Grade - Orange
  • 4th Grade - Blue
  • 5th Grade - Black
  • Wednesday 12/18: Wintery Wednesday! Wear your winter gear!
  • Thursday 12/19: McKenny Hawk day! Wear your McKenny gear!
  • Friday 12/20: Festive Friday! Wear your favorite festive outfit!


5th Grade Cispus Packets Due December 16th

This is a friendly reminder that Cispus packets are due by December 16th. Scholarships are available for families who need assistance, payments can be made all at once, or in installments (cash, credit card or check are all accepted). Families can make payments online, in the office or over the phone with Cori at 360.596.8400.


2024-2025 OSD Snow Letter

Every year, snow or severe conditions seem to lead to the closure or late start of our schools, and we want to keep you updated about those decisions.

Communications Protocol

The Olympia School District will inform you of school schedule changes as soon as possible through our ParentSquare communications platform (text/email), website and social media platforms. We also encourage you to monitor local radio and/or television stations for up-to-date information about weather-related closures or delays.

School Closure

If OSD schools close due to inclement weather, students do not report to class, regardless of whether they attend school in person or through ORLA online. OSD has a “Snow Make-Up Day” built into the calendar on May 23, 2025, to be used as a school day in the event there is a weather-related school cancellation prior to this date. Additional snow days (if needed) will be made up at the end of the 2024-25 school year.

To continue reading Superintendent Murphy's snow letter with additional information please follow this link.


Attendance supports your students' social, emotional, and academic achievement, and it is mandatory by law. However, cold and flu season is among us and with that we understand comes absences. If your child is not feeling well, has a fever or vomiting please keep them home. Refer to the document, "When Should Children Stay Home?" for further guidance. You can excuse their absence by calling the attendance line at 360.596.8403 or email [email protected]. You can also send doctors notes and planned absence forms to the email provide to excuse absences.

If you are checking in your student late or taking them out early, please utilize our new computers in the office!


Lost and Found

Our lost and found is bursting at the seams with various items that have lost their way home. We kindly ask parents and guardians to take a moment to check if any of the items belong to your child. It's essential to label your child's belongings with their name to ensure a swift return in case they get misplaced. Let's work together to reunite these items with their rightful owners!


Are you interested in volunteering this school year? Visit the district’s volunteer website for additional information. Please be sure to complete the volunteer application if you have not already done so. This application must be completed yearly.


News from the PTO


PTO Meeting Tuesday December 10th 6:30-8:00pm

Please join us for our December PTO meeting on Tuesday, December 10th in the McKenny library at 6:30 PM or connect via Zoom. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about recent school events, and get involved in planning for the upcoming months, including our BINGO event in February. Whether you’re looking to contribute to future initiatives, ask questions, or just learn more about what the PTO does, we’d love to have you join us!  We hope to see you there—whether in person or on ZOOM.  Meeting ID: 881 5468 3334 Passcode: 772214 

Hawk Wear

There is still time to order Hawk Wear, head over to the online shop to check out some cool new designs. You can find shirts, hoodies and more at


Keep submitting those photos of your McKenny Hawks for our yearbook! Our goal is to make sure every student is represented in our yearbook, and we need your help! So please keep sending photos through the Yearbook Snap App using the password McKenny25. And make sure to label your photos with names and events for accurate representation. 

A thank you from the PTO

As we look back on the school year so far, we are filled with gratitude for all the exciting events and activities we’ve shared together. The PTO would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed their time, energy, and resources to make these events possible. Whether you have volunteered at an event, attended a meeting, or simply supported the school in other ways, your involvement has made a lasting impact. As we approach winter break, we want to take a moment to wish each of you a peaceful and joyful winter season. Whether you’re spending time with family and friends, traveling, or simply enjoying some well-deserved rest, we hope this season brings happiness and renewal to you and your loved ones.

As always, if you have any questions or ideas for the PTO, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We value your input and are here to support our school in every way possible. You can reach us via email at [email protected].

Don’t forget to find us on FacebookInstagramCheddarUp and our website!

PTO email: [email protected] 

PTO website:!

Instagram: @mckennyhawkspto

Principals Corner  

As we enter the Holiday season and begin to bring 2024 to a close, I want to take this opportunity to express some appreciation.

Thank you so much to our amazing PTO. This group of people does so much for our students, staff and community. Examples from this year so far include:
Supporting and participating in Back-to-School and Welcoming Activities
Hosting Movie Nights for students
Putting on the Trunk-or-Treat
Running the Book Fair
Holding a Read-a-thon
Monthly meetings that are fun and productive (Second Tuesday of each month)
Providing financial support to all teachers and paraeducators 
Making a big donation to our Art program

And there will be many more events throughout the year. I encourage you to find a way to support our PTO’s efforts. Everything they do is in support of our students, our staff, and their work always is focused on equity and inclusion.

Thank you so much for being a part of this magical community. I wish you a fun and calm Holiday Season.


Michael Havens

McKenny Elementary School Schedule

Grades K to 5  8:30 a.m.—2:45 p.m. 

AM Preschool  8:30—11:00 a.m. 
PM Preschool  12:15—2:45 p.m. 
Early Release Every Wednesday 1:55 p.m.  (No preschool) 
Half Day Dismissal 11:35 a.m.  (No preschool)